
Show Notes
A visit to Guido Preparata’s website is highly recommended.
Our discussion of the U.S. balance of payments, which takes up the first part of the interview, is based on the article “The Political Economy of Hyper-Modernity” written with Domenico d’Amico. Interested persons can contact Guido for a copy of the article, which is otherwise published in the very expensive academic book, New Directions for Catholic Social and Political Research (Palgrave).
Other excellent economics essays by Guido referred to (explicitly or implicitly) and discussed in the second part our discussion about perishable money, Silvio Gesell, interest, and inflation included:
- “Of Money, Heresy and Surrender, Part II” (Part I was updated to become “The Political Economy of Hyper-Modernity”)
- “Free-Economics”, written with John E. Elliott, a fundamental introduction to the economics of the German monetary reformer Silvio Gesell
- “On the Art of Innuendo”, highly praised by me during the interview, an analysis of J. M. Keynes’ “plagiarism”, in Guido’s opinion, of Gesell.
In discussing Bitcoin, Guido refers to Ken Rogoff’s book The Curse of Cash (Princeton) as providing establishment arguments against cash.
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