A place to entertain stray thoughts, and tweet like it’s 2005
The CIA’s Files on Ireland
The United States’ primary foreign intelligence service, as reflected in its files on a small rainy island.
The Ayahuasca Brouhaha
Taking the brew over a weekend in the Irish midlands, and smashing the system. The head-system.
How money happens
How is money created? A report on an unconventional explanation – given by the Bank of England.
Protecting “the hijackers”
The full story, concisely told but complete in a way that most other accounts, such as “The Looming Tower”, shockingly are not, of the CIA’s protection of the alleged 9/11 hijackers. Well-sourced and still devastating.
Listening to Lorna Byrne
An attempt not to prejudge whether the famous mystic should be taken seriously
Is the Kindle worth the candle?
An update of Orwell’s “Books v. Cigarettes”, doing the sums to figure out if e-books are cost-effective